
Classroom Procedures


  • As soon as you enter the classroom, you are to unpack the books needed for class and begin to prepare.  This is not a time for socializing.  Make sure that you come to class with your netbook charged.  Schoolbags are to be placed at the back of the class and retrieved only at the end of class.  All students should be ready to begin with the opening prayer by the time the bell rings
  • Make sure that you are not bringing any gum, food, or drink into the classroom.  Refer to the Student Handbook.  Students violating this policy will receive an immediate detention.
  • Hand in homework in designated cubby as you enter class.
  • Hand in any notes for the instructor in designated cubby.
  • Immediately begin to copy homework posted on the Smart Board.
  • Begin classroom assignment posted on the White  Board while roll is being taken; no homework assignment is to be completed in class.
  • Handwritten assignments are to be in Cursive Writing unless other arrangements have been agreed upon in advance.
  • Typed assignments must be 12-point font, double-spaced.
  • MLA Heading must appear on all assignments.
  • Before leaving class, make sure you have necessary rubric for assignments. A rubric will not always be necessary.
  • Textbooks must be covered at all times; no drawing/doodling on covers.
  • No student may go to his/her locker for forgotten books or materials (School Policy). You are to come to class with all necessary materials.  You will lose points for your class participation grade if you neglect to bring the necessary materials to class.  WE DO NOT USE PENCILS IN ENGLISH CLASS – BLACK OR BLUE PENS ONLY! RED PENS WILL BE USED FOR REVISION ONLY.
  • If returning from absence, make sure that you plan to see instructor for make-up work and rescheduling of missed tests/quizzes. This should not be done during class time.  See me before or after school about missed work or contact me via email before coming to class.  I will not discuss missed work prior to the beginning of class or after class when I must prepare for the next class. DO NOT COME UP TO ME AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS AND ASK ME IF YOU MISSED ANYTHING – OF COURSE YOU DID!
  • Neglecting to report at designated day and time for make-up tests will result in a failing grade.
  •  Students are not permitted to leave class to use the restroom.  If there is an emergency situation, the student must leave his/her cell phone on my desk and use the sign-out/sign-in sheet by the door.
  • Students may not leave their seats to throw trash away; students will deposit trash on their way out of the classroom once they have cleaned the area around their desks and have been dismissed by me.
  • If you have a cold or allergies, please come to class with your own supply of tissues. You can purchase them in small packs that fit into your pocket.  Do not leave your desk to get a tissue during instruction or while another student is speaking.  If you have your own supply, this will not be an issue.
  • If you have a question, make sure that you raise your hand.  Calling out is not acceptable.
  • Students are to sit at a ninety-degree angle with feet on the floor.  No one is ever to sit on the top of a desk.