
Parent/Student Page – English Class Policies and Procedures for Success

By signing this document, I am acknowledging that I am aware of the following requirements for my English Class / My Child’s English Class.

  • I know how to behave.  I am aware that I must follow the procedures found in the Student Handbook and the rules of my English Classroom. If I choose to break a rule, I will have to take the consequences. Attempts to argue, bargain, or manipulate will result in additional sanctions. This document and the Procedures document are the only warning that I will receive.
  • All assignments must be handed in on time. No late assignments will be accepted.  If I have a question about an assignment or if I do not understand the assignment, I know that I can contact Mrs. Sullivan at nancysullivan2@gmail.com.  If I forget a book or worksheet, I know that I should first check the website at mrs-sullivan.com to see if I can print it out, or I am to contact Mrs. Sullivan by 8 P.M. to see if she can email me what I need.
  • Typed writing assignments are to be completed on Google Docs which will allow me to access my document from anywhere including both home and school.  It is important for Mrs. Sullivan to view the Revision History, so completing an assignment as a Word Document and uploading it into a Google Doc is not acceptable.
  • I am aware that Mrs. Sullivan posts homework on the Smart Board at the beginning of class each day, and I am instructed to copy my homework each and every day. Time is given to me at the beginning of class to do this.  If I am absent, I should check from home on the day of absence to see what I missed and what my assignments are by going onto Mrs. Sullivan’s website mrs-sullivan.com.
  • I am aware that Mrs. Sullivan has instructed students that if they do not have Internet access at home and they are absent, they are to call a student who does have Internet access and find out what the assignment is.
  • I am aware that Mrs. Sullivan posts due dates and test dates on the Homework Section for my class on her Website at mrs-sullivan.com so I know in advance when assignments are due and tests are to be administered.
  • I am aware that English test days are Days C and F.
  • I am aware that Mrs. Sullivan is available for extra help after school on most days except for those days when Faculty and Department Meetings are held.
  • I am aware that homework assignments are posted every Sunday after 10 P.M. for the up-coming week.  Assignments may change during the week if class work is not covered so I need to look each day at my homework assignments for my English class.
  • I am aware that I will be assigned to Homework Detention (held weekly on Fridays by Mrs. Graeber) if I neglect to complete my homework.
  • I am aware that if I forget my vocabulary book, I can find my vocabulary words at www.vocabularyworkshop.com or www.vocabtest.com.
  • If I am confused about an assignment, I can email Mrs. Sullivan at one of the following email addresses:
    nancysullivan2@gmail.com – This is the one I should always use to submit assignments and questions about assignments.
  • I am aware that Mrs. Sullivan checks her email between 7 P.M. and 8 P.M. each evening, unless she tells me otherwise.
  •  I am completely aware of the Dress Code.  Mrs. Sullivan should not have to waste valuable class time to issue me a Demerit Slip due to Dress Code or Gum-Chewing Infractions.
  • I am aware that if I am chewing gum in class, I will immediately be issued a  Demerit Slip resulting in two Demerits and a Detention  after school thereby causing inconvenience to my parents or others because I will miss my bus or ride home.

Student Signature _____________________________________ Date ____________

Parent Signatue  ______________________________________ Date ____________